Monday, July 27, 2009

The Kennedys and Egalitarian Force

A good friend of mine expressed his view that the Kennedy family are “givers, not takers.”  That’s only partly true, I responded. The elected Kennedys are takers of my wages. Big time. Teddy is essentially a Euro-style socialist opposed to my freedom.

What I bothers me about Ted Kennedy et al is the forced altruism inherent in egalitarian ideology. The Kennedy family has established numerous helpful private sector charities, and I've contributed to several of those myself. Good job!

But the progress of civilization is measured in freedom and individual rights, not entitlements and income redistribution. The ideological right tends to force morality on people, while the secular left tends to force their own "religion" of egalitarianism through government confiscation of the fruits of people's labor.

As none of that social engineering force is authorized by the US Constitution, it's a form of theft and oppression. So left wing forced egalitarianism is no better than right wing quasi-theocratic authoritarianism. In both cases, Americans lose their liberties. I just want to be free.

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